BeerSmith 3.1 Open Beta Download Available

Thanks for adding Tilt to the build!

Any thought to using ?grams? for dry yeast instead of ?package??  It might not be common across the hobby but I use Lallemand?s pitch rate calculator which rarely recommends the weight of one package.

Again, thx for the great product!
Still not able to print in 3.1.07 on Mac running MacOS 10.15.6.  See attached error message from browser (Safari).  What might I be doing wrong?


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    Screen Shot 2020-08-08 at 4.01.40 PM.png
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First, are you sure you're using 3.1.07? I only ask because I'm running 3.1.07 on OSX 10.15.6, same as you and don't have a problem. I thought the "localhost" issue was resolved with this update as indicated by the fact that if I send output to the default browser, it says file:// not localhost. Granted my default browser is Firefox and not Safari, but I don't think that's a problem.

edit: just tried sending to Safari and it worked just fine.
beerprof said:
First, are you sure you're using 3.1.07? I only ask because I'm running 3.1.07 on OSX 10.15.6, same as you and don't have a problem. I thought the "localhost" issue was resolved with this update as indicated by the fact that if I send output to the default browser, it says file:// not localhost. Granted my default browser is Firefox and not Safari, but I don't think that's a problem.

edit: just tried sending to Safari and it worked just fine.

Yes, confident.



  • Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 10.54.09 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-08-09 at 10.54.09 AM.png
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For printing, some print drivers have issues.  Try going to Options->Reports and check the Print to Browser box which will send printouts to the browser where you have more control over scaling, margins and printing.

BeerSmith said:
For printing, some print drivers have issues.  Try going to Options->Reports and check the Print to Browser box which will send printouts to the browser where you have more control over scaling, margins and printing.


The Print to Browser option is checked and results in the error.

Just discovered that the "Brew Steps" will print to the browser ok.  The "Shopping List" produces the error as reported in Safari below.

bbbullock said:
BeerSmith said:
For printing, some print drivers have issues.  Try going to Options->Reports and check the Print to Browser box which will send printouts to the browser where you have more control over scaling, margins and printing.


The Print to Browser option is checked and results in the error.

Thanks - I will take a close look at the shopping list code as it has a different path.  I'm finishing up a minor update in the next few days and hopefully I can find root cause.

I put together a 3.1.8 fix for the print to browser shopping list issue.  Its in this version which is in beta but will likely be released soon:  -- Windows  -- Mac

Thanks!  I downloaded/installed the 3.1.08 beta and the shopping list print now works.
Bug report:
When using the substitute button for misc items in the design tab, the fermentables list opens instead of the misc list. Water, fermentables and hops all seem to open the correct lists.
brewfun said:
Bug report:
When using the substitute button for misc items in the design tab, the fermentables list opens instead of the misc list. Water, fermentables and hops all seem to open the correct lists.

Interesting.  When I just tried it, the pop-up box for selection was labeled "add fermentables", but the ingredients listed were all from the "Misc" listing.
  I tried it here but for me the Misc box showed up.  Are you sure you only have one item (not multiple) selected when doing the substitute?

I saw the same as Oginme - single item selected. Lists misc items, but the heading says 'add fermentables'
Got it- I thought it was the listing that was wrong but it looks like just the title is wrong.

I posted this on another thread but haven't heard anyone having the issue. After upgrading to 3.1 on Windows 10, when I copy a recipe to the cloud, I am seeing a duplicate. The first time it happened, I thought it was an accident on my part, so I deleted one copy. When I went back, the recipe (along with the duplicate) were both gone. It was then that I realized that it was not actually a duplicate, it was just SHOWING a duplicate. Refreshing didn't fix it. When I close and re-open the program completely, the duplicate disappears leaving only one the one copy. I am now running 3.1.08 and the problem still exists, and it happens every time I copy a recipe to the cloud.

Anyone else experience this behavior?
I tried a few tests here but I'm not seeing that happen.  How are you copying to the cloud?  Is it using the Copy to Folder button or using a copy/paste operation?
