It's ALPHA brew first batch!

actually, you are so right. I just finished the last of it, and the orange flavor really came out. It was not bitter, but just right. But really, I just can't seem to keep any set aside...between me and family/friends, it went pretty quick.
Was just wondering, you remember what temperature you pitched the yeast at, did you cool it,..and how long did it take to cool?  Thanks.
The yeast was spinning on a stir plate for 24 hours before I notes say it was at 71* F. I do full volume boils and use a wort chiller. I chilled the wort to 71* to match the yeast temp. Since it was in a plastic bucket, I wasn't able to see any visual signs of fermentation for better than 24 hours. I have since moved on to a 6.5 gallon glass carboy as my primary. Now I see activity in 12 hours or less.
It's done...and gone already. I found out that if you let beer age a little, the flavors REALLY come out. I tried a bottle 21 days after it was fully carbed. It was OK at best. Then I waited 10 days more...WOW! The orange really came out in it and the head stability improved 3 fold! 
I know how you feel,..I did an IPA,..bottled it,..seemed like it took forever to carb, the time it carbonated nicely,..with the flavor even better,..I think I had about 6 left,..but I enjoyed them like no other!
Detmurds said:
I know how you feel,..I did an IPA,..bottled it,..seemed like it took forever to carb, the time it carbonated nicely,..with the flavor even better,..I think I had about 6 left,..but I enjoyed them like no other!

not sure what temp you and Gwap are bottle conditioning at ut i do it at 67-73 degrees and the carbonation is fine after 10 days. beer not mature but it's carbonated.

btw have bottled my Dry Stout, racked my Black IPA to the secondary tonight while i was steeping grains on my India Brown Ale (just hit the fermenter about 30 minutes ago.

also, i use plastic bottling bucket as my primary (until i can get 2 6.5 gallon glass carboys) and i see activity always within 12 hours unless i am fermenting REALLY low temps. of course i either pitch a liquid AND dry yeast packet or i pitch 2 dry yeast packets (3 packs for the IBA). sometimes i remember to rehydrate the dry yeast before pitching but usually i don't bother.
My temps are always in perfect range.  My porter carbs quickly,..but for me, it is the IPA that usually takes at least 2 to 3 weeks to carbed the way I like it. 