Mash Hopped IPA

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Hi All
Recipe for my first mash hopped IPA great results

India Pale Ale
Brew Type: All Grain Date: 1/11/2003
Style: India Pale Ale Brewer: Andrew Clark
Batch Size: 26.00 L Assistant Brewer:  
Boil Volume: 32.31 L Boil Time: 60 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %

Brewing Steps Check Time Step
1-2 Days Before Brewing Make Yeast Starter: Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007) [Starter 1000 ml]
1/11/2003 Clean and prepare equipment.
--  Measure ingredients, crush grains.
--  Prepare 39.77 L water for brewing
--  Prepare Ingredients for Mash
Amount Item Type
5.00 kg Pale Ale Malt (3 SRM) Grain
1.00 kg Munich Malt (7 SRM) Grain
0.45 kg Wheat Malt, Ger (2 SRM) Grain
25.00 gm Hallertauer [9.0%] (60 min) (Mash Hop) Hops
45.00 gm Fuggles [4.5%] (60 min) (Mash Hop) Hops

2 min Mash Ingredients
Mash In: Add 16.82 L of water at 74.4 C
60 min - Hold mash at 67.8 C for 60 min
--  Sparge with 22.95 L of 75.6 C water.
--  Add water to achieve boil volume of 32.31 L
Boil for 60 min Start to Boil
Amount Item Type
30.00 gm Super Alpha [13.0%] (60 min) Hops
20.00 gm Pride of Ringwood [10.0%] (60 min) Hops

50 min into boil Add 0.28 items Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min)
--  Cool wort to fermentation temperature
--  Add water (as needed) to achieve volume of 26.00 L
--  Siphon wort to primary fermenter and aerate wort.
--  Add Ingredients to Fermenter
Amount Item Type
1 Pkgs Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007) [Starter 1000 ml] Yeast-Ale

1/11/2003 Measure Original Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.055 SG)
7 days Ferment in primary for 7 days at 20.0 C
8/11/2003 Transfer to Secondary Fermenter
5 days Ferment in secondary for 5 days at 4.0 C
13/11/2003 Measure Final Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.013 SG)
--  Keg beer at 6.0 C at a pressure of 86.8 KPA
4.0 Weeks Age for 4.0 Weeks at 11.1 C
11/12/2003 Sample and enjoy!

Taste Rating (50 possible points): 46.0
Beautiful hop/malt profile. Smooth bitterness and hop flavour from the mash hopping. Fantastic IPA.

First time mash hopping good extraction and efficiency. Mash smelt wonderful with the hops in it.
 I'm not an IPA expert like CJ, but it looks pretty good to me!

Very interesting that you did only the mash hops. The amount you used is much smaller than I've done or than I've seen in articles or other recipes. In general the recommendation is to take the normal amount of flavor and aroma hops in a recipe and double or triple them when converting to mash hops. 70 g (about 2.5 oz) of mash hops would convert to 23-35 g of "normal" flavor and aroma hops, and that's quite low for an IPA. I don't mean this as a criticism, just as an observation.

But, you said this was excellent. How is the hop aroma? And hop flavor? I imagine the malt flavor and aroma is excellent with the grains that you used, but is there much contribution from the hops? Very interesting, to say the least!

Oh, and Brad, I wouldn't call myself an IPA expert -- more like an IPA lover!  ;)
The total mash hops were 70 g just split between 2 varieties. Aroma and flavour is excellent and 2  brewing friends were Knocked out by to flavour. I should say that I don't know much about IPA's but I am going to learn as this beer is now my fav.
P.S there is no criticism in brewing just learning. thanks for your imput
Andrew -- very interesting! I'm coming to the conclusion that specific varieties of hops contribute more (or less) when they're used as mash hops. I have used Cascade, Amarillo, Liberty, and Centennial as mash hops, and the effect was very subtle in all cases. Maybe the more traditional European hops contribute more. Like I said, very interesting.

IPAs are definitely worth getting to know. A lot of people think of them as only highly bitter pale ales, but if they are well made, the flavor and aroma of the hops is just wonderful! I think I might have to go tap my keg and have another "taste test."

Mmmmmm.  :) :-*
 Please let us know how this turns out.  As CJ points out one usually uses mash hops in conjunction with boil hops - but we are always interested in a new experiment.

 BTW - how's the wit taste now?

Hi Brad
Last Question First. The Wit is great, after being in the keg for about 2-3 weeks the yeast flavor is not quite so dominant but is definately still there, all the other flavours are now melded very nicely, Lovely beer!!!
First question. The IPA is great and with the high alpha bittering hops I used the IBU is up around the 60 mark, very tasty.
thanks for the interest.