When copying to Brew Log, change date to today


New Forum Member
Apr 14, 2020
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I know people use software differently but for me this seems to be the default for most people: When brewing a beer and copying it's recipe to the brew log change the brew date to the current date.
I have old recipes and when I do this I either forget to change the date in the brew log and it messes up my log or I have to dig through all the old brews and try to find the new iteration.

Same for duplicating a recipe. Of course BS would need a "duplicate" feature to begin with ;) I know, I know I can c&p, but I would assume duplicating a recipe is a quite common thing people do (I do) and would deserve being an option. I would LOVe to have a right-click option "Duplicate Recipe" that also changes the date for the new recipe to today.

Just a suggestion ;)

Thanks and kind regards, Hans Schneider
I very often copy a recipe to my brew log days in advance of actually brewing it. I just made myself get into the habit of manually changing the date when I start my brew day.
Kevin, same here usually lining up more than a few recipes at a time, but the suggestion does have some merit for those who don't copy a recipe over until it is time to brew.
Kevin58 said:
I very often copy a recipe to my brew log days in advance of actually brewing it. I just made myself get into the habit of manually changing the date when I start my brew day.
I do the opposite. I only copy it to the brew log after I taste it and fill out the notes field with my evaluation of the beer.

I copy and paste. Simple and easy. Then change the date. I would like the date to be automatically updated to "today" but it's simple to click the date and click Today.  Being lazy though, setting the day for me saved me all those extra clicks.