New BJCP 2008 Style Guide and BeerSmith Batch Sparging Release

logoThe Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) recently released an updated beer style guide for 2008. BJCP has become the most popular beer style guide for home brewing competition here in the United States. You can access the full BJCP style guide here.

The new 2008 BJCP style guide includes significant rework to many Belgian styles, revised commercial examples, updated color, OG and ABV calculations and minor changes to several styles.

The latest version of BeerSmith was just released and is available on our download page. The new release incorporates the new 2008 BJCP style guidelines as well as the complete Danish beer style guideline. You can set the style guide used from the “Brewing” page of the “Options” dialog (tools menu).

The 2008 BJCP Style information in BeerSmith consists of excerpts from the full style guide, and is excerpted with permission from the BJCP Style Guidelines, copyright 2008, Beer Judge Certification Program, Inc.

In addition, the latest BeerSmith release incorporates a new batch sparge option to generate “equal runnings” batches. Sparging with equal runnings generates optimal efficiency for batch spargers. The batch sparge mash profiles were all updated to use this new option. You can also do it manually by editing any mash profile and checking “Sparge using equal size batches” and unchecking “Drain the mash tun before starting…” in the Batch Sparge options section of any mash profile. The calculated batch sparge water amounts will be shown on your brewsheet.

3 thoughts on “New BJCP 2008 Style Guide and BeerSmith Batch Sparging Release”

  1. Chuck Popenoe

    Hi Brad,

    I would like to see one of your excellent articles cover brewing kellerbier, maybe with a recipe or two! I don’t believe that it can be found in BeerSmith.

    Thanks, Chuck

  2. Pingback: How to Batch Sparge and No Sparge | Home Brewing in North East PA

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