The BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog is all about making beer at home. Topics include brewing tutorials, BeerSmith podcast episodes, homebrewing techniques, product and book reviews, BeerSmith tips, articles on brewing popular beer styles and brewing news.
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Dr Brad Smith

This blog is authored by Dr Brad Smith. Brad has been brewing beer for over 38 years, is the author of BeerSmith Brewing Software, BeerSmith recipe site featuring some 1.8 million recipes, the BeerSmith Podcast, is a writer for Brew Your Own and Craft Beer and Brewing magazines, frequent AHA presenter, and co-authored the original BeerXML recipe exchange standard. Brad also makes mead, wine and cider. BeerSmith LLC celebrated its 20th year in 2023, and has been the world’s most popular recipe formulation software for beer, mead and wine for many years.
Brad holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of New Mexico, as well as an MS in Engineering from Boston University, MBA from St Mary’s University, Masters degree from the US Army War College and Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute. He served over 24 years with the US Air Force where he Commanded several space organizations and retired as a Colonel. Brad is also a former Draper (MIT) lab fellow and has received a variety of awards from the Air Force, academia and the software industry.
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Awesome App! One roadmap enhancement request: would it be possible to have the inventory module on the mobile app as well?
Would be great if it could reconcile what you have on the ground to what the app has logged due to not following the workflow properly.