BeerSmith Blog Second Anniversary

This week marks the end of the second year of the BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog, and this is our 94th published article on home brewing. It has been a great experience to date, giving me a chance to learn about and write on a huge number of brewing topics. I’ve started a few more projects as well and may eventually publish a compilation from the BeerSmith blog once BeerSmith 2.0 is complete.

The blog has been much more popular than I had imagined. We started with zero regular subscribers two years ago, reached about 1000 at the first anniversary and have expanded to over 3000 now. We had 60,000 visitors to the blog last month, and over 470,000 visits to the blog over the last year. Its approaching the circulation of a small magazine.

I’ve tried to keep the focus of the stories primarily on home brewing and also to focus on the techniques, styles, and equipment that an average homebrewer might need. I’ve tried to stay away from too many “fluffy” articles and vary the level from beginner to more advanced techniques to keep it interesting. Finally, I’ve organized all of our articles into an growing BeerSmith Home Brewing Guide to make it easier to find what you are looking for. Hopefully you have enjoyed it.

In the next year, I’m going to try to feature additional interviews and articles by expert guests where appropriate, but keep the focus firmly on homebrewing. I also added a new domain name which may be easier to remember if you want to recommend us to a friend.

Here are a collection of some of my favorite articles from the last year for you to enjoy:

Thanks again for joining us on the BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog. If you have not already done so, be sure to subscribe for weekly delivery – you will receive an email once a week as we publish new articles. Your comments, bookmarks and donations are also welcome.

4 thoughts on “BeerSmith Blog Second Anniversary”

  1. i have been using beer smith and reading the blogs for a year. all i can say is i love it and happy anniversary. i hope to see many more.
    ps. i would love to see you have a magizine. i can only hope to see one soon.

  2. Congrats on the anniversary Brad and thanks for the great content. I’ve put a lot of your tips into action. Here’s to another great year from a fellow beer blogger!

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