All Grain Beer Brewing with Chris Graham – BeerSmith Podcast #63

This week we talk about how to make the switch into all grain beer brewing. My guest is Chris Graham, Chief Operating Officer of MoreBeer and also a Brewer’s Association board member and American Homebrew Association Governing Council member.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (35:55)

  • Chris Graham is my guest this week to talk about how to make the transition to all grain. Chris is a long time homebrewer, the Chief Operating Officer of homebrew supplier MoreBeer and also a Brewer’s Association board member and American Homebrew Association Governing Council member.
  • Chris starts with a discussion of why a brewer would want to make the transition to all grain from extract brewing and what the advantages are of all grain brewing.
  • We talk about mashing (which is the big difference from brewing with extract), and what is actually going on in the mashing process.
  • Chris explains what extra equipment is needed to brew an all grain batch of beer
  • We talk about what an infusion mash and how its done
  • Chris discusses how you maintain the mash temperature during the mash process
  • We talk about testing for completion of sugar conversion
  • Chris walks us through the sparging/lautering process for an average all grain batch
  • We talk about full volume boils and where all grain brewing is the same as extract brewing
  • Chris discusses the Brew-in-a-bag (or BIAB) alternative – which is an ever cheaper way to get into all grain beer brewing
  • He talks about the recent More Beer expansion and what it offers to home brewers
  • Chris offers some closing advice on all grain brewing and also fermentation

Thanks to Chris Graham for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!

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