BeerSmith 2 for Linux Open Beta Release

I’m happy to announce the release of our first open beta version of BeerSmith 2 for Linux. This is the first time BeerSmith has been available as a native program on the Linux platform.

The Linux version is initially being released as an open beta for the community in preparation for formal release. The initial version has been compiled for the popular Ubuntu Linux as a 32 bit Intel 386 version, and packaged as a Debian distribution package. Early beta testers have had success with the program on other Debian linux platforms.

You can download the Debian package of BeerSmith 2 here on the main BeerSmith download page.

The Linux version is compatible with our PC and Mac versions of BeerSmith 2 and contains the same feature set. It may be registered by purchasing an activation key like the Mac and PC platforms if you decide to purchase a copy after running the trial.

Thanks to those who provided early beta testing. Please visit this discussion forum thread if you have comments or feedback on this version.

10 thoughts on “BeerSmith 2 for Linux Open Beta Release”

  1. Perfect timing, I both use Linux and last week started planning my rise to world domination through home brewed beer.

  2. Hey, great work! I’ve been having to dual boot out to Windows every time I want to use my copy of Beersmith. Really looking forward to putting this distribution through its paces but from what I’ve seen of it so far it’s every bit as good. Well done!

    (I wonder, given that so many home brewers like to tinker, how many of us prefer Linux?)

  3. Wonderful! I have been stuck using BeerAlchemy on the iPad/iPhone because I refuse to dualboot/wine doesn’t work too well/QBrew is missing major features. This is great news!

  4. Brad,
    That is great news. I’m relatively new to Home Brewing and need as much help as I can. Also, as a Linux user at home it’s nice to see a softaware that will work on my computer

  5. I am a longtime Ubuntu Linux user and want to say thank you for developing for Linux. I also hope you’ll continue to develop for Linux, as I have no plans to use Windows or buy a Mac, but I do want to continue using Beersmith. I love your software and have all of my recipes, customized equipment profile, many manually added ingredients in my db & so much more, not to mention the time I’ve invested in adding everything into Beersmith and learning the software. I really hope that my investment in Beersmith is good for the long haul.

  6. If I have already purchased the windows version do I have to buy another copy for Linux?

  7. Excellent news ! I now have a third way to be a nerd and don’t have re buy. Nice work

    1. Homebrew
    2. Audio Geek
    3. Linux (beginner)

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