Author name: Brad Smith

Trappist Dubbel and Tripel Beer Recipes

Trappist ale is a beer brewed originally by Trappist monks. The style and its substyles (Enkel, Dubbel and Tripel) have also been popularized by many microbreweries over the last 30 years. This week, we take a look at the popular Trappist style and how to formulate recipes to brew this beer at home.

Calibrating your Home Brewing Equipment

Professional brewers will tell you that consistency is the the key to great beer. Most competitive home brewers are religious in their measurements and processes to ensure consistently great beer. However, most homebrewers take their measurements at face value without bothering to calibrate them.

American Amber Ale Recipes and Beer Style

American Amber Ale, also known in the Pacific Northwest as Red Ale is a uniquely American beer that is robust, rich and enjoyable. A fairly recent style, Ambers have become very popular with mainstream beer drinkers in the US. This week we take a look at the American Amber style, how to brew it at home and some examples of American Amber recipes.

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