Beer Styles

Saison Beer – Belgian Farmhouse Ale Recipes

Saison is a light, refreshing ale originally brewed in farmhouses in the French speaking regions of Belgium for field workers. Now the beer is brewed in many locations around the world. Its a complex style with a mix of fruity aroma and flavor, some spiciness and even a hint of tartness. Today I’ll take a look at the history of Saison, how to brew it and some Saison recipes.

Trappist Dubbel and Tripel Beer Recipes

Trappist ale is a beer brewed originally by Trappist monks. The style and its substyles (Enkel, Dubbel and Tripel) have also been popularized by many microbreweries over the last 30 years. This week, we take a look at the popular Trappist style and how to formulate recipes to brew this beer at home.

American Amber Ale Recipes and Beer Style

American Amber Ale, also known in the Pacific Northwest as Red Ale is a uniquely American beer that is robust, rich and enjoyable. A fairly recent style, Ambers have become very popular with mainstream beer drinkers in the US. This week we take a look at the American Amber style, how to brew it at home and some examples of American Amber recipes.

Russian Imperial Stout Recipes

This week on the BeerSmith blog we turn to the Russian Imperial Stout beer style, the king of stout beers. We will explore the origin, history, beer style and some sample Imperial Stout beer recipes for home brewers.

Brewing German Altbier Recipes

German Altbier or Alt is a top fermenting beer that originated in the German Westphalia region and later grew in popularity around the Rhineland. This week we take a look at brewing Altbier at home.

Seasonal Beer Brewing

Brew the right seasonal beers by starting early. This week we look at when to brew your seasonal beer favorites so they arrive on time for your favorite holiday.

English Pale Ale Recipes

English Pale Ale is a classic beer style and a personal favorite of mine. This week we take a look at how to brew this classic style at home including the history of the style, formulation of recipes and brewing of English Pale Ale.

Cream Ale Recipes – Beer Styles

Cream Ale is a distinctly American beer style that is refreshing and smooth. This week we take a look at brewing Cream Ale recipes. Cream Ale has enjoyed a resurgence recently as many microbreweries have taken up the style and even improved upon commercial versions.

Belgian Wit Recipes – White Beer Styles

Belgian Wit is a wonderful light, refreshing beer that narrowly avoided extinction to become a popular hit here in the United States. This week we’ll take a look at the history, brewing and recipes for Belgian Wit and White Beer.

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