Tag Archives: brewery

Lake Anne Brew House with Jason Romano – BeerSmith Podcast #158

Jason Romano joins me from Lake Anne Brew House in Reston, VA to discuss his experience in opening and running a small nano-brewery and tap-house.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Hops and Firestone Walker with Matt Brynildson – BeerSmith Podcast #139

Matt Brynildson, the Brewmaster for Firestone Walker and five time GABF brewer of the year joins me this week to discuss hops and brewing Firestone Walker’s beers.

You can view show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Nano-Brewery Start Up with Michael Mraz – BeerSmith Podcast #97

Michael Mraz from Mraz Brewing joins us to follow up on his nano-brewery startup.  Michael launched his own 3 barrel brewery specializing in Belgian beers in a tiny 1000 sq foot shop in the Spring of 2013, and this week he shares some of his lessons learned in moving from amateur to pro-brewer.

You can find the full show with video and show notes here.

Modern Times Brewery Follow Up – BeerSmith Podcast #68

Jacob McKean and Michael Tonsmiere join us again from Modern Times brewery do to a follow up interview on their microbrewery launch and lessons learned from transitioning to pro brewing. They have had some success and some challenges as they moved to producing craft beer.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Nanobrewing Beer with Michael Mraz – BeerSmith Podcast #57

This week Michael Mraz joins me to talk about his new project starting a microbrewery. Mike is a nationally award winning home brewer who is now launching his own nano-brewery on a full time basis in El Dorado Hills, CA. We talk about some of the challenges a starting pro-brewer faces including setting up the business, getting the licenses and actually brewing the beer.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Pro Beer Brewing Startup with Modern Times – BeerSmith Podcast #54

This week I interview Jacob McKean and Michael Tonsmeire who are involved in a cross country beer collaboration to build a new brewery in San Diego called Modern Times. We walk through some of the challenges in going from home brewer to pro brewer!

NOTE: The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.