BeerSmith Forums user recipe collaboration idea.

Will you brew this?

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Scott Ickes

Grandmaster Brewer
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
I propose that we put together a beersmith recipe.  But not just any recipe.  Instead, I propose that we as a group design the recipe one forum member at a time.  With each member of the group adding an ingredient and the amount of that ingredient one step at a time and see what we come up with for a recipe.  After that, all that are interested in brewing the recipe can do so, reporting their results back to this thread.  If it turns out to be fun and successful, we can do it again, with an entirely new group of designers.

I propose that if someone is in on the first recipe, they are not elligible to contribute to the design of the second recipe or third, until we run out of interested brew designers and can start through the list again.

My suggestion is for us to have 9 brew designers.  Once I have enough volunteers, I'll pull the 9 names at random out of a hat and those will be the first beer designers and will also set what their contribution will be.  For example, first name out of the hat will be Base Grain and quantity, second name out Specialty grain and quantity, etc.

We would need the following contributions:
Base Grain and quantity.
Specialty grain and quantity.
Second specialty grain and quantity.
Third specialty grain and quantity.
First hop type, quantity and time added.
Second hop type, quantity and time added.
Third hop type, quantity and time added.
Mash temperature.
Yeast selection.

If you'd like to be in on this, please reply, "I'm In!"

Those that don't get pulled for the first recipe design, will be first up for the second recipe design.

Some suggestions:
Let's make this an ale, since not all brewers have the ability to hold fermentation temperatures for a lager.

It would be helpful to add commentary when you make your contribution, so that those following you see your line of reasoning and can follow up on your thought process. 
  (For example, if you chose the base grain, the amount you choose will have an effect on the rest of us, since it will narrow the OG range quite a bit.  If you choose 8 lbs of base malt, we're not going to be making a huge Russian Imperial Stout that would need nearly twice that amount of base grain, so give us your thoughts, such as session beer....or mid-range gravity in the 1.060 range, etc.) 
  (If you're choosing a specialty grain, tell us the character you're hoping to impart on the beer, etc.)

Those that are not pulled out of the hat, can make comments on the choices, as long as they keep it friendly and constructive.

If after seeing the comments on their contribution, the contributor would like to adjust his/her contribution, they may do so.  However, once I give the go ahead to the next contribution, the previous contribution is locked until a final review before brewing.

At the end of the contribution phase, I will post the recipe for discussion.  If one of the contributors would like a change to the final recipe, they may put it up for a vote after stating their case for the change.

Let's make this a learning experience for everyone that follows the thread.  It will help those that are new to recipe design see your thought processes as you we move through the design.

So, here is the proposed timeline:
Volunteer phase where members volunteer to be a part of the design.
Volunteers are pulled out of the hat and assigned.  The names of the volunteers will be posted with their assignment and a waiting list will be posted also, just in case someone drops out and for a reference for the possible second recipe design.
Contributor #1 makes his/her selection with thought process.
Comments from others.
Contributor #1 locks in his selection.
Contributor #2, #3, et al.
Draft Recipe is posted.
Comments on draft recipe and possible suggestions to any part of it. (Only contributors can bring a suggested change iup for a vote, but they can follow advice of non-contributors)  This allows the entire forum to be involved in each recipe design, even if they haven't been chosen for that particular one.
Voting on any suggested changes (only contributors elligible to vote on changes.
Final recipe posted.
Brew it up if you wish.
Post your results.
interesting idea, but this may get complicated if someone leaves the forum or there are to many that want to take part. I'M IN for now .
Just wanted to point out for the next month I only have a 20 liter tun. And a 30 literally boil pot. Working on the coin to build the manifold for the 77 liter ton...we have a 80 liter boil pot though but........I live in Winnipeg...and I boil in a non heated garage. Man this is the coldest winter I have ever been through
Hey...this is about having some fun and maybe having some good personal thinking being brought up when you're designing a recipe, so that newer brewers can learn from the exercise.

No one has to brew it and it may never get brewed by anyone, but I doubt that.  Someone will end up making it to see how it turns out.

I'm going to make a change that KernalCrush suggested.  I like his idea. 

I'm going to add another step at the very beginning for a 10th brewer.  This person will choose the style of beer.

So the new list of steps is:
Style of recipe to be designed.
Base Grain and quantity.
Specialty grain and quantity.
Second specialty grain and quantity.
Third specialty grain and quantity.
First hop type, quantity and time added.
Second hop type, quantity and time added.
Third hop type, quantity and time added.
Mash temperature.
Yeast selection.

So far we have:
Winnepeg Fats
Dan "drb11215"
all grain

We need 6 more to make a go of it.
I'm in, I only brew 2.5 gal batches but got no prob scaling up a recipe and hell that's half the fun of brewing, imho. I need to improve the ol'brew knowledge anyway, so take it easy on me if my input seems to be from left field.

Welcome to our little experiment!  5 down, 5 to go!

The list is now:

Winnepeg Fats
Dan "drb11215"
all grain
Steve "bucknut"

I would do it, but only with the right to object or override certain ingredients. For example, I am not a fan of coriander spice. If I agree to brew and someone suggest coriander I would lose interest even though I have already committed. Or perhaps someone suggest Mosiac hops, and yet they might be hard for me to get etc..
grathan said:
I would do it, but only with the right to object or override certain ingredients. For example, I am not a fan of coriander spice. If I agree to brew and someone suggest coriander I would lose interest even though I have already committed. Or perhaps someone suggest Mosiac hops, and yet they might be hard for me to get etc..

There are no adjuncts to be added to this recipe.  The purpose is to give insight to each other one why you chose a certain malt, hop your yeast.  Also to give insight on your suggested mash temp, etc.

It is intended to be a learning experience for both the new and old to brewing.

Also, just because a certain hop or malt is in the final recipe, it doesn't mean you can't change it up on your own.  I only ask that if you decide to brew this (with or without changes), you tell us about your experience and the results, including how it tastes compared to what you expected it to taste like.

Can I count you as in Grathan?
Also, scott, maybe we can do this as a homebrew club thing as well. Do you guys ever do competitions within the club?