Antivirus Warning with BeerSmith 2

Unfortunately because BeerSmith 2.1 is a new program with only 100 users on the beta test team before launch, some antivirus programs have flagged it as a risk (low number of users).  Also we migrated to the Amazon s3 service to serve the file to you faster, which also is a new server (again causing problems with some antivirus providers).

I have done extensive scans on the BeerSmith2_Installer.exe (installer) and the BeerSmith 2.1 executable before launch.  One of the scans is shown below – using more than 20 different virus scanners.  If you want to see additional scan results from VirusTotal you can do so here.

The bottom line is this – we believe the warnings you are receiving are a temporary problem due to the fact that the program is new and unknown to the virus programs.  We recommend, however that you only install BeerSmith if you have downloaded it directly from the site or our mirror.

If you want to help us correct the problem, please submit a report to your antivirus program provider telling them that you have received a false positive regarding BeerSmith 2.

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