Irish Red Ale Recipes

Irish Red is an refreshing, popular beer style closely related to English Bitters. This week, we’re going to take a look at Irish Red ale recipes and how to brew this beer at home. The style has quite a few variants, but is known most for its deep red color and mild flavor.


The history of Irish Red Ale is difficult to trace. Many Irish Ales made in Ireland are closely related to English Bitters, and some authors say characterize Irish Red as a sub-category of English Bitters or Pale Ales. Others believe Irish Red stands as its own distinct style. Some Irish Ales are lagers, though they share many of the same characteristics as ales. Adding to confusion, breweries in America have taken American Amber Ales and added coloring or a bit of roasted malt and called that Irish Red as well.

Despite the variations and complex origins, the BJCP style guide and other organizations now recognize Irish Red Ale as its own distinct style of beer. The recognized style most closely matches the Irish Red Ales brewed in Ireland such as Smithwick’s, Beamish Red Ale, Caffrey’s Irish Ale, Goose Island Kilgubbin Red Ale, and Murphy’s Irish Red.

The Irish Red Ale Style

Irish Reds have virtually no hop aroma low to moderate hop flavor, and have low to moderate malty aroma and flavor. They have a very clean finish with a low buttery or toffee flavor. The use of roasted barley for coloring often results in a slight roasted finish and also creates a dry finish for the beer. Unlike English Ales, Irish Red has no ester (fruity) flavors. Some Irish Reds are fermented with lager yeast, but again they have a very clean finish, low diacytl flavors and should exhibit a clean finish.

Overall the impression is slightly on the malty side, with a clean slightly dry finish. The body and mouthfeel should be light to medium. Highly alcoholic versions may have a slight warmth. The beer should be easy to drink.

Original gravity is in the 1.044-1.060 range and final gravity in the 1.010 to 1.014 range for an alcohol level of 4-6% ABV. Bitterness is in the low to moderate 17-28 IBU range. The color is a moderate 9-18 SRM, though it should have a distinctive reddish hue (provided by a small amount of roast malt).

Brewing an Irish Red Ale

Irish Red starts with traditional Irish or UK barley grains, with English or Irish Pale Malt making the vast bulk of the grain bill. A moderate amount of light colored Caramel/Crystal malt (10-40 L) is often used to make up 5-10% of the grain bill to aid in body and head retention.

The key malt for a red ale, however, is roast barley which is added in very small quantities for coloring. It is the roast barley (not black patent malt or chocolate malt) that gives an Irish Red its traditional deep red color. Care must be taken to add just enough to color the beer, as you don’t want the roasted flavor to be a major component for flavoring. For 5 gallons, as little as a few ounces is sufficient to color the beer.

Some Irish Red recipes use other specialty malts such as Special B or CaraMunich. Caramunich malt is actually a crystal malt that and adds malty flavor as well as a slight reddish hue. If used, it should only be used in very small quantities (along with roasted malt) as it can add fruity and malty notes that could overwhelm the style. Special B malt is a very dark crystal malt from Belgium with a heavy caramel and raisin like flavors. In my opinion, Special B is not appropriate for the Irish Red style as it has too much caramel flavor and darkens rather than reddens the beer. Dark malts such as chocolate and black patent malts are also inappropriate in an Irish Red as they tend to create a dark brown (not red) beer with too much caramel flavor.

Moderate alpha English hops are traditionally used for bittering. Irish or English ale yeast is appropriate, though care must be made to avoid English yeasts with excessive esters (fruitiness). If lager yeast is used, it should be selected for a clean flavor profile.

A light to medium body mash profile is used for all grain brews, and fermentation temperature should be selected to provide moderate attenuation. Irish Red Ales are moderately carbonated and sometimes served cold to accentuate the slight roast character.

Irish Red Recipes

Here are a few sample recipes from the BeerSmith recipe archive:

I hope you enjoyed this article on Irish Red – its a great smooth-drinking beer style. For a weekly article on beer styles and brewing techniques, consider signing up for my email newsletter or take a look at my home brewing book. I’ll be back next week with another podcast episode.


7 thoughts on “Irish Red Ale Recipes”

  1. I have brewed a similar Irish Red but used pale 2-row instead of MO. Either would work fine. It turned out a fine, easy drinking beer that I brewed again. However, I wasn’t paying attention when weighing out my roasted barley for the second batch and used 1 lb instead of 3 oz. Once I noticed, there was nothing to do but brew it. Turned out this beer became a staple at my place, a fine, coffee and chocolate-flavored stout. It’s quite popular, retains a nice creamy head, and drinks easily at 5.7%.

  2. Dennis O'Sullivan

    In Sydney, Australia we will soon be opening a brewery in the old tradition. Therefore, we want to form a strategic business partnership, to incorporate a selection of Irish Beers. As we are new to the business we hope to link up with Irish know how. Pleased to do business with those who want expansion to the other side of the world. Cheers, Dennis O’Sullivan, son of Jerry O’Sullivan from Mallow, County Cork.

  3. Pingback: BREW DAY: Ruby the Irish Red Ale | ferretthebeer

  4. This is now an old article, but I assume people seeking information on how to brew an Irish Red, still read it. So it’s a pity it still contains the old misunderstanding that Caramunich is a darker Munich malt. Caramunich is, as most people understand now, I guess, a crystal malt, and that’s it.

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