Club Discount

BeerSmith LogoBy special arrangement you can set up a limited time club discount for your home brewing club members.

How it works:

  • Have one member of your club contact me using the Contact Page
  • I will work with you to provide a discount code for a limited period of time – typically only a few days – which your members can use to purchase BeerSmith 2
  • Have your members use the links below to purchase, and distribute the discount code to them via email
  • Once they have added BeerSmith to their cart, they can enter their discount code and complete the transaction through e-junkie/paypal
  • A registration code and order confirmation will be sent to them via email
  • Discount codes are only valid for a few days – so use them before they expire!

Ordering BeerSmith Full Version ($27.95 minus your discount):

Be sure to enter the discount code for your club when ordering!
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