India Pale Ale and Carrot Cake – BeerSmith Podcast #18

This week I bring back prolific beer author and tasting authority Randy Mosher to talk about tasting beer. Tasting beer and sensory evaluation are important topics for anyone who wants to brew better beer, and Randy is an expert on both.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (37:00)

  • This week’s guest is Randy Mosher, the author of “Tasting Beer: An Insider’s Guide to the World’s Greatest Drink” as well as “Radical Brewing”
  • Randy tells us why beer the world’s greatest drink and also summarizes the story of beer.
  • We discuss what is meant by “sensory evaluation” and tasting beer, and why tasting great beer is a very important skill if you want to brew great beer.
  • We walk through presentation, and the importance of beer glasses.
  • He walks us through how to actually taste a beer
  • We talk about some of the basic terms used by beer judges to refer to key flavors in beer
  • Randy explains the role beer style plays (and does not play) in great beer
  • We talk about the importance of adjusting taste to match the style of beer being judged.
  • Randy talks about where to learn more about tasting beer

Thanks again to Randy Mosher who was kind enough to appear on the show!

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