Beer Brewing Equipment with John Blichmann – BeerSmith Podcast 28

John Blichmann of Blichmann Engineering makes some of the highest quality equipment for homebrewing including pots, three-tier systems, high end RIMS and HERMS systems and also his very popular Beer Gun. This week I interview John about everything from simple stainless pots to high end pump and temperature control systems.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (29:52)

  • This week’s guest is John Blichmann (aka “The Beer Geek”) of Blichmann Engineering. John’s company makes some of the finest home brewing equipment including everything from stainless steel brewing pots and conical fermenters to high end complete RIMS and HERMS systems
  • John tells us how he got into the business of building high end home brewing equipment
  • We start with their stainless steel brewing pots and how they are different from an average stainless pot.
  • John talks about stainless steel conical fermenters and some of the advantages of using a conical fermenter
  • We talk about gravity fed brew stands (top tier system) which let you use your own equipment
  • John tells us the best way to clean stainless steel brewing equipment
  • We talk about the “Beer Gun” which is a bottle filler that lets you fill directly from a kegging system. I really enjoy John’s beer gun.
  • John explains what a RIMS/HERMS system is and what some of the advantages are for this high end brewing system
  • We talk about pumps and controllers and what to look for in each type of pump or controller
  • John talks for a moment about his chilling system called the Therminator 2
  • John shares where to find out the most about his equipment – from
  • John shares his thoughts on homebrewing in general

Thanks to John Blichmann for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!

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