BeerSmith Web Recipe Editor Overview Video

Here’s a video overview of the major features available in the BeerSmith Web beer, mead, cider and wine recipe editor which works with BeerSmith desktop to make it easy to create and maintain your recipes.

Related Videos: Overview for Existing Users | BeerSmith Detailed Overview | Building a Recipe | The Design Tab | Find/Scale Recipes | Profiles and Ingredients | Pro Recipe Tips | All Videos

5 thoughts on “BeerSmith Web Recipe Editor Overview Video”

  1. Beersmith Web Recipe Editor looks fantastic.
    Just tried a recipe
    As I have a Grainfather G70 and GJF uses .8 Grain Absorption I cannot see were this can be changed in Web Recipe Editor as it defaults to 7.4 kg = 7.41 litres. In my Desktop it is 7.40 kg = 5.92 L
    In the BS 3 desktop you could go into options/advanced and change GA from .96 fl /oz of grain to .7669 which is equal to .08 litres/kg
    All my recipe’s will default to .96

  2. Oops I meant .8 not .08
    In the BS 3 desktop you could go into options/advanced and change GA from .96 fl /oz of grain to .7669 which is equal to ..8 litres/kg

  3. THanks for catching this – I have enabled the advanced options now on the desktop and mobile web version. On the desktop it is under the User Profile menu and on the mobile you go to your profile page where you can access both the unit and advanced settings.

  4. I have enabled the advanced options now on the desktop and mobile web version. On the desktop it is under the User Profile menu and on the mobile you go to your profile page where you can access both the unit and advanced settings.

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