Non Alcoholic Beer and Yeast with Janish and Carlsen – BeerSmith Podcast #276

Scott Janish from Sapwood Cellars and Simon Carlsen from CHR Hansen join me this week to discuss using innovative yeasts to create low alcohol and non-alcoholic beers.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (50:40)

  • This week I welcome back Scott Janish. Scott is author of the recent book “The New IPA: A Scientific Guide to Hop Aroma and Flavor” (Amazon affiliate link) and also co-founder of the Sapwood Cellars brewery in Columbia, Maryland.
  • Joining us also is Dr Simon Carlsen from CHR Hansen in Denmark. Simon specializes in using specialized yeast strains for low alcohol beers as well as other food and beverage products.
  • We start with a short discussion of Scott’s low alcohol beer program at Sapwood Cellars.
  • Simon talks about CHR Hansen which started in the dairy industry but has branched out to other foods and beverages including wine and beers.
  • Scott introduces the method he is using to make very low alcoholic (< 0.5%) beers which involves special yeast strains that don’t ferment maltose.
  • Simon talks in more detail about the yeast strains and how they work.
  • Scott talks about working with Frozen Liquid Yeast (FLY) which is a new yeast format that extends the life of liquid yeast by storing it at very cold temperatures. He shares his experiences working with it.
  • Simon tells us a bit about the fruity flavors they are getting from the yeast and potential to experiment with thiol freeing and fruity IPAs using some strains.
  • Scott and Simon talk about oxygen dosing and how it can potentially drive the alcohol content even lower with certain yeast strains.
  • Simon discusses packaging and finishing considerations for these NA beers.
  • Each guest shares their closing thoughts.


Thanks to Scott Janish and for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
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