Author Stan Hieronymus joins me this week for an interview recorded on the expo floor of the National Homebrewing Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Stan shares his experiences with homebrewers and craft brewing from a variety of nations including Belgium, Brazil, Argentina, Poland and more. We also discuss beer styles, techniques and ingredients.
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Topics in This Week’s Episode (35:33)
- Stan Hieronymus, the author of For the Love of Hops as well as Brew Like a Monk (full disclosure – Amazon affiliate links!) joins me on the expo floor at the 2014 National Homebrew Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan to discuss beer brewing from around the world.
- This week’s episode is sponsored by Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine – get a 20% discount with the offer code ‘beersmith’ if you sign up today for your subscription!
- And also sponsored by the new How to Brew videos with John Palmer and Brad Smith on malt extract and all grain brewing – coming in July. You can also watch the trailer for the first video mentioned in the show at that link.
- Stan tells us about some of the globe trotting he’s done recently
- We discuss the trip we jointly made to Brazil in May to present at a home brewing conference in Florianopolis
- Stan describes some of the challenges home and craft brewers face in many emerging beer markets
- We talk about Stan’s trip and the state of home brewing in Argentina
- Stan explains how many countries are starting to incorporate their own native ingredients into their local beer styles
- We talk about his upcoming trip to Poland and also Grodzitskie, which we previously covered in episode #73 of the podcast.
- Stan talks about judging beer and also the expansion of the Beer Judge Certification Program to other countries
- We discuss Stans research of Belgian abbeys including what makes a Trappist brewery
- Stan and I talk about craft brewing overseas and some of the creative solutions emerging craft breweries are finding to make great beer
- We talk about hops and how they can be in short supply in some areas
- Stan says a few words about his books on hops and abbey ales
Thanks to Stan Hieronymus for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
iTunes Announcements: I launched a new video channel for the BeerSmith podcast on iTunes, so subscribe now! At the moment it will only feature the new widescreen episodes (#75 and up). Older episodes are available on my revamped Youtube channel. Also all 81 audio episodes are on iTunes now – so grab the older episodes if you missed any.
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