Adventures in Homebrewing

Those of you that visit the blog regularly know I’m not a big fan of advertising. Except for our own program, BeerSmith, I’ve only featured a few products in the last year and a half. However, I would like to thank Adventures in Homebrewing brewing supply for recently offering to act as a sponsor for our sites. A portion of each purchase you make when you click on this order link will come back to us to help support the BeerSmith blog and our other sites including BrewPoll, BrewWiki, our Discussion Forum and future software developments. They offer a full range of brewing supplies, so I ask that you keep them in mind when you consider your next equipment or ingredient purchase.

I do apologize for writing less thank normal this summer. In addition to the occasional summer break, I’ve been working hard on programming the next version of BeerSmith. Rest assured that I will be back to writing more as the winter brewing season approaches and BeerSmith programming winds down. I have several great articles outlined already for the new season.

Have a great summer – I will be back next week with another great beer brewing article!

— Brad

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