BeerSmith News and BeerSmith Web Early Preview

I felt it was time to bring you up to date on some of the new things happening at BeerSmith.

BeerSmith Web Version

I’ve been working hard to build a complete web based version of BeerSmith 3. Last year I released most of the BeerSmith tools to Gold+ members on the web site along with mobile support. Obviously a web based version lets you access one set of recipes and data from any device, which is something many have asked for.

I’m happy to announce that the web based version of BeerSmith is coming and the recipe designer is planned for release in June of 2021. It will be available for all Gold+ members on the site. The “full size” screen recipe designer is complete and will enter beta testing in the coming weeks while I work on finishing the small screen (mobile device) recipe layouts.

The web based recipe designer is similar in layout to the desktop and mobile versions but will be touch based for compatibility with tablets and phones. The ingredients and profiles database will feature both preloaded add-ons and the ability to customize ingredients and profiles online as well as save them from a recipe as an interim measure to work with existing profiles.

After the planned June release, I will be working on updating the desktop version of BeerSmith to support data sync (ingredients and profiles) between desktop and the web if desired. I’m also working on an online inventory system that is transaction based and should be a nice upgrade from the current system.

BeerSmith 3.1 Update Reminder

If you have not manually upgraded to BeerSmith 3.1 on the desktop, I recommend you do so at this time. You do need to manually download and install it from the main download page at as we had some issues with the automated update system on some older versions. This update includes the fixes for OSX Big Sur on the Mac as well as stability fixes for Windows, so I strongly recommend the update.

I also wanted to mention the data add-on updates. We are constantly updating add-ons which you can find under File->Addons. In addition to the important 2020 Hop and Yeast Addon updates which you can download, you can update any add-on to the latest version by simply uninstalling and then installing it again.

BYO Boot Camp – 30 April 2021 and Nov 2021

I am doing a “virtual” BYO Boot Camp presentation on recipe design on April 30th from 1-5:30pm Eastern time. This detailed presentation will walk through recipe design strategies, flavors and ingredients in beer, and a variety of brewing techniques. You can sign up here for the April virtual presentation.

In addition, the regular “in person” BYO Boot Camp is planned for November 4-6th of 2021 in Denver. I will be doing two all-day sessions there on Recipe Formulation Essentials and Advanced Recipe Formulation.

BeerSmith Podcast and Blog Index

A final reminder that I now have the hundreds of BeerSmith articles and podcasts organized into indexes arranged by subject. The Podcast Index is here and you can find an index of all of my articles here.

Thanks for your continued support!
Brad Smith, PhD, BeerSmith LLC

2 thoughts on “BeerSmith News and BeerSmith Web Early Preview”

  1. Hi my name is Dag Frode Aasnes (From Norway) am the designer of In you can monitor the full fermetation process with use of Tilt, iSpindel, Float, Mybrewbot etc. I saw that you are designing a web version of BrewSmith which i am a super fan of. I was wondering if we could make som intergation between BeerSmith av

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