Going All Grain with John Palmer and John Blichmann – BeerSmith Podcast #207

John Palmer and John Blichmann join me this week to discuss All Grain Essentials and the upcoming BYO Boot Camp in Denver where they will be presenting hands-on classes in all grain brewing.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (49:41)

  • This week I welcome John Palmer and John Blichmann. John Palmer is author of the best selling homebrew book How to Brew as well as Water and Brewing Classic Styles. (Amazon affiliate links)
  • John Blichmann is President and CEO of Blichmann Engineering, a top supplier of innovative homebrew and professional brewing equipment.
  • For simplicity I’ve used their last names below as both have the same first name.
  • John Blichmann starts with a description of the upcoming BYO Boot camp event where they are both teaching as well as a brief overview of their course designed to aid those transitioning to all grain.
  • John Palmer talks a bit about malt and how the malt you choose is important for your all grain brew.
  • Blichmann talks about the importance of a perfect grain crush, what it looks like and how to get it.
  • Palmer walks us through the basic mashing process and talks about some of the enzymes critical to converting sugars during the mash.
  • Blichmann describes the top level equipment options you can use for all grain brewing including BIAB, single vessel, three tier and hybrid brewing options.
  • Palmer talks about single step mashes as well as some of the other mash step options available to home brewers.
  • Blichmann tells us how he knows that the mash is complete and walks us through the lautering process.
  • Palmer talks about mash and brewhouse efficiency and why it is important for developing future recipes.
  • They both cover some common all grain troubleshooting including if the temperature or gravity is off.
  • Palmer describes what happens once the mash and lauter are complete.
  • They both share their closing tips for all grain brewers as well as where to sign up for the March BYO Boot Camp.
  • I also mention that I will be teaching at the BYO boot camp. I’m presenting both an intermediate and advanced recipe design class.


Thanks to John Palmer and John Blichmann for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
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1 thought on “Going All Grain with John Palmer and John Blichmann – BeerSmith Podcast #207”

  1. hi, I am trying to reach out to John Palmer or someone else who has perhaps considered this problem. CHLORAMINES!

    In Australia many local water authorities are now chlorinating drinking water with an Ammoniated Chlorine complex. The result is higher Chloramines in the tap water that cannot be removed as Free Chlorine can be, by simply boiling the water. I am finding it very difficult to get yeast to effectively develop in the lag and growth phases and even throughout. Fermentation time has leapt from 1 to now 2-3 weeks. While I am not getting any stress related byproducts in the wash, I do not feel the ferment is running as strongly and cleanly as it should. (I was a commercial Winemaker for 15 years, but I don’t have a microscope to do cell counts etc so I can only judge by smell, taste, time, raft (kausen) heat maintenance, etc. observational methods.)

    Instead of using SMS or PMS as an oxidiser agent to remove the chlorine along an equilibrium reaction and then having residual levels of SO2 in the wash that are themselves undesirable, has anyone considered the chemistry of using KHSO5, Potassium peroxymonosulfate. This is readily available at Pool shops as a Chloramine removing reagent. The concern might be the negative effects on yeast growth related to excess residual KHSO5, although if adding it to remove 0.88mg/L (880ppm) Total Cl from the water and suggested rates for a pool at 10-20 ppm Total Cl, you might feel you need to add it at 88 times the pool dose rate. As an Aside, what rate do you add SMS for the same effect. I am considering taking some tap water tot eh pool shop for testing and see what he gets for free and total Cl.

    Is this just a garbage question and garbage (bucket) science or is the efficacy of SMS significantly improved by comparison and as such, SMS becomes the better option? Your suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    best regards

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