Tag Archives: recipe

Designing Beer with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #188

John Palmer, the author of the book How to Brew joins me this week to discuss beer recipe design.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

India Pale Ale (IPA) Trends with Mitch Steele – BeerSmith Podcast #147

Mitch Steele, author of the IPA book and former brewmaster at Stone Brewing joins me this week to discuss recent trends in India Pale Ale and the craft IPA revolution.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Scottish Ale History with Ron Pattinson – BeerSmith Podcast #133

Ron Pattinson joins me this week to discuss the surprisingly complex history of Scottish beer brewing.  We learn that Scotland had a rich and complex history brewing a wide variety of beers both for internal consumption and export.

You can find additional episodes and show notes here.

Belgian Strong Ale with Michael Mraz – BeerSmith Podcast #72

This week I discuss Belgian Strong Ale Recipes with Michael Mraz from Mraz Brewing Company. Michael tells us how to brew the perfect Belgian Golden Strong including the grain bill, hop schedule, fermenting and finishing your beer.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Irish Stout Recipes with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #11

Just in time for St Patrick’s day, John Palmer is back as my guest and we go into depth on the Irish Stout beer style. Irish Stout is a favorite of mine, so I pulled in the co-author of “Brewing Classic Styles” to talk about this famous beer from Dublin. John is the author of “How to Brew” at HowToBrew.com, the co-author of “Brewing Classic Styles” and the co-host of Brew Strong on the Brewing Network.

NOTE: The full show notes and episode is listed here.