All posts by beersmith

Embrace Homebrewing with Michael Tonsmeire – BeerSmith Podcast #124

Michael Tonsmeire, the Mad Fermentationist, joins me this week to talk about embracing homebrewing and shares many of the advantages that home brewers enjoy versus professional beer brewers.

You can find additional episodes and the show notes here.

The AHA and HomebrewCon 2016 with Gary Glass – BeerSmith Podcast #123

Gary Glass, the Director of the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) joins me to discuss trends in homebrewing, the AHA, and this year’s HomebrewCon 2016 conference.  Gary is Director of the 40,000+ member AHA organization representing American home brewers.

You can find the full episode show notes here.

Beer Brewing Ingredients with Jake Keeler and Michael Dawson – BeerSmith Podcast #122

Jake Keeler and Michael Dawson join me from Brewer Supply Group to discuss some of the new trends in beer brewing ingredients.  Jake and Michael are both active in the home brewing industry as well as brewing supply industry.

You can find the show notes for this episode here.

Boiling Home Brewed Beer with Dr Charlie Bamforth – BeerSmith Podcast #121

Dr Charles Bamforth, Professor of Malting and Brewing Science at the University of California at Davis joins me this week to discuss boiling your beer and some of the chemical processes involved in the boil.

You can find the show notes for this episode here.

Quality Management for Beer Brewing with Mary Pellettieri – BeerSmith Podcast #120

Mary Pellettieri, the author of “Quality Management: Essential Planning for Breweries” joins me this week to discuss how to ensure quality in beer including planning, measurement, consistency and quality control.

You can find the full episode blog entry and show notes here.

Melomel – Meads and Fruit with Michael Fairbrother – BeerSmith Podcast #119

Michael Fairbrother, award winning mead maker and CEO of Moonlight Meadery joins me this week to discuss making fruit meads and melomels.  Michael uses fruit in many of his top selling meads and has a unique perspective on what fruits to use and how to get the best mead from fruit and honey!

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

Beer Water Testing with Christian Krzykwa – BeerSmith Podcast #118

Christian Krzykwa from Industrial Test Systems joins me to discuss how to measure your beer brewing water, understanding a water report and also managing your mash pH.  With the introduction of test kits and pH meters you can use at home you can get more control than ever over your brewing water and the beer brewing process.

You can find the full episode show notes here.

Brewing High Gravity Beers with John Blichmann – BeerSmith Podcast #117

John Blichmann from Blichmann Engineering joins me this week to discuss brewing “big” high gravity beers.  John covers some of the special challenges including reduced mash efficiency, split mashing, balancing your big beer and fermentation and aging.

You can find the full episode show notes here.

German Wheat Beer with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #116

Author John Palmer joins me this week to discuss German Wheat Beer styles and beer brewing.  John just returned from a trip to Germany and he shares some of his tips for brewing the perfect Weizen or Weisse.

You can find the show notes for this episode here.

Historical Beer Myths with Randy Mosher – BeerSmith Podcast #115

Randy Mosher tells us why almost everything we’ve been told about the history of beer is wrong.  In a wide ranging interview, Randy shares why many of our beer stories are actually myths, and shares a history of beer that is much more varied and dynamic than previously thought.

You can find podcast show notes here.

Barley Varieties and Genetics with Dr Pat Hayes – BeerSmith Podcast #114

Dr Pat Hayes, Professor of Barley Breeding at Oregon State University, is my guest this week to discuss advances in barley breeding, genetics and what beer brewers can look forward to from future barley varieties.

The show notes for this episode can be found here.