Beer Bloggers and 365 Beers-BSHB Podcast Episode 2

This week we talk with two of my good blogging friends, Ron and Al from Hop Talk and also Alan Wright who is hosting the first ever Beer Blogger’s Conference. In a wide ranging discussion, we talk about beer blogging, Al’s experiment to drink 365 beers in a year and blog every day about it, the upcoming blogger’s conference, home brewing, social media, and much more…

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (37:26)

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4 thoughts on “Beer Bloggers and 365 Beers-BSHB Podcast Episode 2”

  1. Pingback: Al and Ron on the BeerSmith podcast | Hop Talk

  2. Al, you are going to have a great time with your beer 365 experiment. My buddies and I did the same thing last year (with a spreadsheet rather than a blog) and we had a really good time tasting, comparing, and pushing outside our usual go-to styles and breweries. It was a blast!
    (Except for that one night we decided to go through all the American macro-brews…ugh!)

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