Home Brewing Clubs with Drew Beechum – BeerSmith Podcast 36

This week I invite Drew Beechum back to talk about the merits of homebrew clubs. Drew was president of the Maltose Falcons and is active in the American Homebrewers Association, and provides a unique perspective on what clubs have to offer to homebrewers.

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I apologize for the quality of the video this week – the video connection was marginal for video when we recorded this session.

Topics in This Week’s Episode (34:44)

  • Drew Beechum is my guest. Drew is the former President of the Maltose Falcons homebrew club and also the author of the Everything Homebrewing Book (Amazon affiliate link) and frequently an author for beer advocate.
  • Our topic for this week is homebrew clubs and what they offer the average homebrewer.
  • Drew talks about his experience joining and eventually running the Maltose Falcons homebrew club – one of the larger clubs here in the US.
  • He shares what an average club offers to its members and also what a meeting might look like.
  • Drew talks about education and training opportunities at the club
  • We discuss homebrew competitions and what they add to a club.
  • Drew explains how clubs are chartered and organized at the national level
  • We talk about the importance of many local homebrew shops and the role they play in sponsoring clubs
  • I ask Drew to tell us why a new homebrewer might want to attend his first club meeting.

Thanks to Drew Beechum for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!

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2 thoughts on “Home Brewing Clubs with Drew Beechum – BeerSmith Podcast 36”

  1. Pingback: Students Bring Brewing to Campus | Cooler For Beer

  2. Loved this episode. I joined a club as a founding member last year and it has made me a better brewer (We will see what happens with the brewers cup competition here in Indianapolis). Drew would have sold me on the idea anyway and just want to reiterate that you should find the club that best suits your personality and that you get out of it what you want. No matter what it should make you a much better brewer.

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