Beer Recipe Transformers with Drew Beechum – BeerSmith Podcast #103

Brewing author PodNew200Drew Beechum is my guest this week to discuss how you can transform one beer into another with a few simple changes to your recipe. Drew’s approach to recipe design is unique – so join me for another great episode!

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (55:28)

  • Drew Beechum is my guest this week discussing beer recipe design. Drew is the author of Experimental Homebrewing, The Everything Homebrewing Book and Homebrewers Journal (all Amazon affiliate links). Drew has a unique approach to beer recipe design I think you will enjoy.
  • Thank you to our sponsor Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine who is still offering a 15% discount with your subscription or other items when you use the new offer code beersmith2015 when you purchase.
  • Also check out BeerSmith, BeerSmith Mobile software and the new DVDs John Palmer and I filmed – How to Brew with Malt Extract and How to Brew All Grain are available now.
  • Drew tells us about a few of his recent projects including his recently released book Experimental Homebrewing
  • We discuss his recent article on “Transformers” which explains how you can take one beer recipe and change it into a different recipe by making small changes
  • Drew provides an example of some styles you can transform easily
  • We start discussing his 5 rules for beer recipe design – starting with the first rule “Pay Attention to Local Ingredients”
  • He explains why using the right ingredients are really important for making great beer
  • Drew shares rule #2: “Pay attention to Local Water” and tells us why water is so important for making beer
  • We discuss looking at overall water quality and character and not just blindly replicating water profiles
  • He explains rule #3: “Practicality” and the importance of simplicity in beer brewing
  • We talk about “brewing on the ones” as well as SMASH brewing
  • Drew shares rule #4 “Embrace and Extend/Contract” your beer recipes
  • We discuss “the rocket fuel” rule
  • Drew shares some advice on the use of crystal malts
  • We discuss rule #5: “Understanding history”
  • Drew closes with some final words and ties this all together
  • Drew also discusses his upcoming book “Legends of Homebrewing” which will be out in about a year

Thanks to Drew Beechum for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!

iTunes Announcements: I launched a new video channel for the BeerSmith podcast on iTunes, so subscribe now! At the moment it will only feature the new widescreen episodes (#75 and up). Older episodes are available on my revamped Youtube channel. Also all 81 audio episodes are on iTunes now – so grab the older episodes if you missed any.

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