BeerSmith Mobile App Released for Android and Kindle Fire

Brewing Recipes On The Go?

Have you ever wanted to toy with your favorite beer recipes on the road? I’ve spent the better part of the last two years making that dream a reality. First I created the recipe cloud site, which now hosts over 68,000 beer recipes and followed with my BeerSmith Lite app. Now I’m pleased to announce the release of of BeerSmith Mobile which brings recipe editing to your phone or tablet.


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BeerSmith Mobile – Full Recipe Editing

BeerSmith mobile brings you full recipe editing. You can add new ingredients, alter your mash schedule and run the brewday timer all from your phone or mobile device. It also has the ability to create new recipes on your mobile device. You can watch the overview video here or additional video tutorials here.

More BeerSmith Mobile Videos Here!

Cloud Access to Your Desktop Data

BeerSmith Mobile is integrated with the recipe sharing site, so you can easily transfer your recipes to your cloud folder from your desktop and open them on your phone for editing. You can also edit recipes in your cloud folder on your mobile device, making it easy to manage your recipes on the go.

iPadCloudYour profile data (equipment, mash profiles, fermentation profiles) can be saved from your cloud recipes to your mobile device to make it easy to get started using your equipment setup or favorite mash schedule. Ingredients can also be viewed and saved from any recipe so its easy to add ingredients from your favorite recipe to your mobile ingredient database.

Recipe Editing, Scaling, Adjustment Functions

Click on the edit button to open any recipe for editing. BeerSmith mobile shows the color of the beer as well as a style guide comparison that are updated as you edit. You can easily add new ingredients from the pre-loaded list of ingredients at the click of a button. The full BJCP style guide is also included for building new recipes.

I’ve also included functions to change the original gravity, bitterness or color levels easily just like you can on the desktop version. BeerSmith mobile even includes the scale recipe command which can scale a recipe to match a different set of equipment all in one step.

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Editable Recipe Profiles and Ingredients

iPhoneEditYou can save recipe profiles or ingredients from any recipe including those you have transferred from your desktop and fully edit them in BeerSmith mobile. Just view the recipe (don’t edit) and view the item you want to add, then save that item. You can also fully edit any of these profiles or ingredients. This lets you adjust your equipment losses, edit a mash profile or add a new ingredient on the fly.

The following items are fully editable:

  • Recipes
  • Equipment Profiles
  • Mash Profiles
  • Fermentation Profiles
  • Age profiles
  • Carbonation Profiles
  • Hops
  • Grains
  • Yeasts
  • Water Profiles
  • Misc Ingredients

Brewday Timer with Session Data Entry

iPadMashEditBeerSmith mobile includes the full brew day timer for both mash and boil phases, so you can drop a recipe into your cloud folder on your desktop, walk to the garage and start the timer from your mobile device. Alarms are played as you reach new steps such as mash step changes or boil ingredient additions.

BeerSmith mobile also includes an area for entry of session data and editable notes, so you can record critical volumes, gravities or notes as you brew and have them stored in your recipe for future reference.

Brewing Tools and Unit Converters

The BeerSmith app also includes a suite of 7 handy brewing tools for common functions like determining alcohol content, converting a refractometer reading or adjusting your mash temperature. I added unit converters for volume, weights, temperature, and OG to perform those functions.

  • iPhoneGravHydrometer Adjustment
  • Infusion Step Tool
  • Alcohol and Attenuation Tool
  • Mash Adjust Tool
  • Weight to Volume Tool
  • Refractometer Tool
  • Carbonation Tool
  • Temperature, Gravity, Weight, Volume, Pressure unit converters

Pricing and Release Date

The Android and Kindle versions are available now, and I will release the iPhone/iPad version as soon as it is approved in the app store. I’m planning to offer it for a limited introductory price of $7.99. BeerSmith mobile will initially be offered as a separate application in the Google Play, Apple and Kindle app stores until the end of June. After that the price will rise to $9.99.

Upgrades from BeerSmith Lite

I am actively looking at the various “in-app” purchase options as well and hope to offer an “in-app” purchase upgrade for users of “BeerSmith Lite” to upgrade to BeerSmith Mobile in place, but expect it will be several weeks after the launch before I can complete and test these options. In this case, the in-app purchase will let you add the full mobile functionality to your existing BeerSmith Lite for the difference in purchase price.

Where to Learn More?

Updates and the launch announcement for the iPhone will be sent to my newsletter list – so join it today!

Get it Today!

Get it on Google Play Appstore-badge-blackappstore

8 thoughts on “BeerSmith Mobile App Released for Android and Kindle Fire”

  1. For the moment yes you need to wait a bit. I’m working as fast as I can to get the in-app upgrade out. If you really can’t wait you can buy the new version for a few bucks more and contact me via email and I’ll see what I can do to make it up to you.

  2. Wylie Edwards

    Given its pretty much the full app on your iPad/phone, $7.99 is a complete bargain whether you have the lite version or not (I have the lite version). Cant wait until this is in the app store.

  3. Wondering if I have to have Beer Smith on my PC in order to use the Mobile version properly? I am not yet an owner of Beer Smith because I do much of my recipe formulation during breaks at work (too busy in the evening at home) and cannot load foreign software on work computers, but have wanted to get the new version for awhile now. The Mobile version would be great since I can just do it all on my Android while at work, tweak at home if I need to, have the recipe on me when I go to the brew shop, and pull out my phone for brewday. Thanks!!!

  4. You can create recipes and brew them on the mobile version using the timer (and even access/search BeerSmithRecipes to find recipes) from the full Mobile version without using the desktop version.

  5. Just a quick one to say what good work you have done. I have recently added Beersmith to my brewing practices, I have been using kits and made extract beers in the past, and have moved to full mash beers.

    Beersmith really does make life easy, I have a ready laid out plan with all the ingredients in front of me and I have a timer to prompt me as I go when I make use of the android app, I chose to purchase the full app as well as the full desktop version.

    Both the desktop and android app have given me the confidence to move on with my brewing and have improved my beers already.

    Thanks again, oh and now all I need is a native version for linux to run on a Raspberry Pi to pair with a little automation using Arduino for mashing temps etc and life would be really sweet



  6. I have previously purchased Beersmith Mobile but as luck would have it,my phone was destroyed. Do I need to repurchase it,orvisvthere another option?

  7. The license is tied to your iTunes or Google Play account. If you get a new phone (of the same type) and use the same account you should be able to download a fresh copy.


    Brad Smith

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