I’m happy to announce the release of BeerSmith Mobile 2.2 for Android, iPhone, iPad and Kindle devices. This free update for existing users brings the mobile version up to date with the desktop version with respect to whirlpool/steeped hop calculations and adds a number of new tools and features.
What’s New in BeerSmith Mobile 2.2?
BeerSmith Mobile 2.2 adds a number of great features and updates:
Added button to mark cloud recipes as private or shared
- New tools: Boil off, dilution, adjust gravity
- New advanced options page under Options
- Command to reset temporary timer/edit data under Options
- Added support for whirlpool hop utilization/IBU calculations
- Corrected OG estimation for Extracts – now include trub loss in calculations
- Fixed bug where style number was not showing when recipe added to cloud
- Fixed bug where hop quantity edit did not update IBUs in some case
- Corrected bug in batch sparge volume calculations
- Added support for non-fermentable grains such as maltose
- Corrected temperature and scaling of grain units in mash editor
- Corrected line 8750 bug for recipes without mash steps
- Corrected “line 2” error when saving some recipes
What about BeerSmith Lite Users who Upgraded?
I am finishing up final review and edits on the BeerSmith Lite in-app upgrade that will bring it up to date with the new baseline and expect to have it ready for release later in May. This will also be a free upgrade.
Where to Get It?
If you already have BeerSmith Mobile you can simply go to the Google Play or iTunes store and download the update. If you don’t have a copy already here are the direct links on the various app stores to purchase (click on buttons below):
Thanks for joining me on the BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter or my podcast (also on itunes…and radio station) for more great tips on homebrewing.
The about page still says “BeerSmith 2.1 Mobile”
I can’t find the update on the Amazon App store.
I am sure my version is updated since I have the option to toggle my recipes in cloud as private or shared but version in about shows as BeerSmith 2.1 Mobil, version 2.02.006
2.2 is not available in Amazon appstore
I have BeerSmith 2.02 Mobile on a Nexus (Android). When I visit Google Play the only options are to uninstall or open. Any ideas?
It 2.2 and 2.02 are the same thing – so you have the latest version (2.02.005 is the “official” version number on the home screen).
It is likely listed as 2.02.005 on the app store. 2.2 and 2.02 are the same version (the extra zero allows for future upgrades).
Sorry – I missed the title in the “About” page, but the version number at the very bottom of your home page should be 2.02.005 (or 006 or 007 depending on iTunes or Android). The minor versions 2.2 and 2.02 are the same.
It is there for the mobile version – listed as 2.02.005.
Purchased the in app upgrade and my beersmith lite app still says lite. Is it the full app?
Any chance that a future upgrade will take us upgraded lite users to a full version rather than just an upgraded lite version?
I purchased my original BS Mobile 2.0 for my Kindle in the Amazon App Store. When I go there to get the updated 2.2 it just tells me I already own the app and there is no option for the update. Am I missing something?
Thanks Brad. All clear. I have since also found that my app was set to automatically update. Cheers!
Any word on the Lite update for android? Thanks, see you in Grand Rapids!
Again did the in app update from lite to full version through iTunes for 3.99, app still says lite and won’t update to 2.2. My Beersmith Lite Mobile Version is 2.01.059 very frustrated at this point.
When will the Lite upgrade be released?
The Android “2.2 Lite” upgrade is already out and I sent the iPhone/iPad version to Apple for review a few days ago. I’m hoping they will approve the new version within a week or so. I apologize for the delay.
Hi Brad I have had Beersmith mobile on my android phone for some time
My family just switched to IPhones and I’m wondering do I have to repurchase your app or will it switch over from android to iPhone
Unfortunately Apple and Google have no way to share licensing data (not surprising if you think about it!).
Also my control over licensing and pricing in the stores is severely limited. They basically give me the option
to set a single price for my app, and I don’t have any way to offer package discounts or even simple coupon
discounts in either app store. I do apologize…I just have no way within the constraints of the app stores to transfer the license.