BeerSmith 2.3 Mobile Released

BeerSmith 2.3 mobile (full version) has just been released – which adds many of the new features of the desktop 2.3 version to the full mobile release. The update is free for existing mobile app owners and you can get your update now from the iTunes and Google Play. The “lite” in-app upgrade and full Amazon store versions will be released in the coming days.

Look for 2.3.x (where x is a minor revision number 4,5 or 6) at the bottom of the main menu after the update to verify that you have the new version once it is available for your platform.

Note that these changes affect the Full version of BeerSmith mobile and will shortly be available to those who have used the in-app upgrade for their “lite” version.

Feature Highlights

  • Add-ons for equipment, many profiles and ingredients can now be directly downloaded and installed in the mobile version using the Add-ons button at the bottom of the main menu.
  • A new Session page available from the “Edit Recipe” page that lets you enter session data much like the desktop version. It also colors fields so you can keep track of which session fields you have filled.
  • A mash pH estimation and adjustment feature, also built into the session page that lets you measure and adjust your mash pH like the desktop version.
  • A yeast starter page is also available from the recipe editor that lets you estimate needed sizes for yeast starters.
  • Whirlpool carry over and enhanced whirlpool features for no chill are included mirroring the desktop version
  • Late sugar additions are now properly handled for all recipe types including all grains.
  • Isomerized and CO2 hop extracts can now be used in recipes.
  • You can lock/unlock a recipe for editing
  • Support for mash tun additions and recoverable deadspace in the equipment profiles (mirroring the desktop new feature)
  • Carbonation based on measured batch volume is available now
  • Fixed bugs in the brew day timer that could crash for certain whirlpool additions and also timer not being reset properly on pause
  • Estimated and actual measured post mash gravity features have been added
  • The program now uses a secure connection (SSL) to access cloud data which will protect your passwords/data
  • I also should mention that you can now access the BeerSmithRecipes site securely from your web browser – bookmark this link for the secure version.

Many of the changes mirror changes made to the 2.3 baseline on the desktop recently. If you don’t have BeerSmith Mobile you can find it on the iTunes, Google Play or Amazon app stores – be sure to get the full version!

I hope you enjoy the new features! Thanks for joining me on the BeerSmith Home Brewing Blog. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter or my podcast (also on itunes…and youtube…and streaming radio station) for more great tips on homebrewing.

16 thoughts on “BeerSmith 2.3 Mobile Released”

  1. Just upgraded my mobile app (S6 edge). When loading local recipes i get an java script error and will not load the recipe.
    Loading cloud, works fine.

  2. Drop me a note at beersmith at and I’ll see if I can help you resolve this. Also include the actual error message as it may help me correct it.

  3. I have a beersmith activation code. How can I get beersmith mobile on my iPad mini and activate? Thanks.

  4. The mobile versions are a separate purchase from the desktop version due to the way the app stores manage licensing. I can only set one price for all users on the app store.

  5. Pingback: Bryggappar, programvara för ölbryggning | Pilsnerbryggeriet

  6. I’m really enjoying this app! I think it would be a good resource for customers that come in to our home brew shop in Oklahoma, help promote and spread knowledge about brewing high gravity beer. We also provide beer making recipes and teach classes so we can point a lot of people this way! Well worth the money.
    Flying Weasel Homebrewing & Grilling Supplies

  7. Just down loaded Beer Smith, entered activation code, but error message says it is trial mode. It is also is telling me activation code that was sent to me is invalid. What’s Up

  8. Brad, I’m a longtime BeerSmith user with a new laptop. Can I just move all the files from the old computer to the new one, or do I need to download a new set of files off the webpage.


  9. You can transfer your installation over to a new computer.

    If you have BeerSmith2, make a backup copy of your Documents/BeerSmith2 directory.

    Next check the Help->Activate command to get your registration key, then download
    and install the new copy on your new computer. After you’ve run it and used your key to activate
    it you can (if desired) move your Documents/BeerSmith2 directory over to the new computer
    which will carry over your recipes and other data.

    Make sure you close BeerSmith before moving the data over, and also note that copying the data
    to the new computer will overwrite anything you’ve input on the new computer.

    When you are done with the old computer and have your data saved, you can then uninstall it from the old one.

  10. I recently got a new phone and am having trouble transferring local BeerSmith 2 files (recipes, equipment, etc.) over from the old one. Both phones are Samsung, so its easy to copy the files onto the new phone… I just cant seem to get them to load into BeerSmith on the new one.


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