Malt Sensory Analysis with Andrea Stanley and Lindsay Barr – BeerSmith Podcast #170

Andrea Stanley from Valley Malting and Lindsay Barr from New Belgium join me to discuss recent advances in malt sensory analysis for beer brewing.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (54:25)

  • Today my guests are Andrea Stanley and Lindsay Barr. Andrea is the co-founder of Valley Malt, a small craft malt house in Massachusetts. Lindsay is a sensory analysis and quality control specialist at New Belgium brewing. Today they join us to discuss malt sensory analysis.
  • We start with a discussion on the growing interest many craft breweries are driving into malt flavor and malt sensory analysis.
  • Andrea describes the ASBC method for malt sensory analysis and her experience using it for malt quality control.
  • Lindsay describes the use of the same method at the brewery and how it has helped them in evaluating new products.
  • Lindsay discusses the use of malt sensory panels and how they carry over to beer.
  • Andrea explains the lack of a lexicon to describe malt flavors and introduces the new lexicon the malt industry has developed to use on base malts. The flavor map mentioned in the show is here.
  • We walk through the new lexicon categories of taste, aroma and mouthfeel and the guests explain how this lexicon might be used for sensory analysis.
  • Lindsay and Andrea give their thoughts on how the ASBC method and new lexicon may aid both maltsters and brewers in the future.
  • Andrea mentions an upcoming malt sensory meeting coming in June sponsored by the ASBC.
  • Lindsay closes with a minute or two on New Belgium and the sensory app (


Thanks to Andrea Stanley and Lindsay Barr for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
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