Growing Wet Hops Year-Round with Kyle and Greg Stelzer – BeerSmith Podcast #185

Kyle and Greg Stelzer join me from 24 Hour Hops where they are growing hops year-round in greenhouses in Arizona and providing wet hops to home brewers!

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (43:19)

  • Today my guests are Kyle and Greg Stelzer from 24 Hour Hops. Kyle and Greg have started a unique business growing hops year-round in greenhouses with the goal of providing fresh wet hops throughout the year to home brewers.
  • We discuss how they decided to start a hop business in the desert of Arizona – an area not often associated with hops.
  • Kyle tells us about their decision to focus on the homebrew market and delivering fresh wet hops directly to homebrewers right after they are picked.
  • We talk about the challenges of growing hops in a greenhouse versus a more traditional outdoor location as well as the flexibility it provides. For example they can produce several crops from a bine in a single year.
  • Kyle tells us how large the operation is and the varieties of hops they are focused on.
  • Greg explains the use of hydroponics rather than traditional soil for growing hops, and the advantages of having complete control over the nutrients provided.
  • Kyle shares the hop cycle and how they are able to simulate winter to get multiple hop cycles from a single plant in a year.
  • We discuss brewing with fresh wet hops and some of the challenges it provides. Kyle also explains how they pick and ship fresh wet hops directly to homebrewers within a day or two.
  • Greg shares some of the things they have learned diving into hop growing over the last few years.
  • They share their web site where you can order hops or learn more about working with wet hops.
  • Both provide their closing thoughts.


Thanks to Greg and Kyle Stelzer for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
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3 thoughts on “Growing Wet Hops Year-Round with Kyle and Greg Stelzer – BeerSmith Podcast #185”

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  2. Interesting point on using heat during the hop drying process. I wonder if anyone has ever tried using cold to pull moisture out of fresh hops (freeze drying) or just blowing cold very dry air with a relative humidity below 30% to see if it can preserve more of the nuances of the hop cones. Anyone ever tried?

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