Controlling Oxygen in Beer with Colin Kaminski – BeerSmith Podcast #293

This week I welcome back Colin Kaminski to discuss oxygen in finished beer, hot side aeration and how to minimize oxygen pickup.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (53:21)

  • This week I welcome Colin Kaminski. Colin is the co-author of the Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers (Amazon affiliate link) as well as a professional brewer with Downtown Joe’s in Napa, California. Colin designs professional brewing equipment at MoreBeer. He has been brewing since 1998.
  • We start with a discussion of Colin’s activities since he last appeared on the show.
  • Colin explains the three major areas where oxygen comes into play: hot side aeration, aeration before fermentation and oxygen contamination in a finished beer.
  • He share his experience using a high end Anton-Paar C box to measure oxygen in finished cans of beer from a canning line.
  • We talk about Total Packaged Oxygen (TPO) and how it can change over time. Colin explains how some oxygen can be captured by hops and other compounds, but eventually gets released back into the beer.
  • He shares his thoughts on reducing oxygen pickup during transfers, bottling, kegging and canning.
  • We talk about dry hopping and how it can introduce additional oxygen into a finished beer.
  • Colin discusses hot side aeration and how it can affect the malt flavor and brightness in a beer
  • He shares how you can detect oxygen problems, and his closing thoughts.


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1 thought on “Controlling Oxygen in Beer with Colin Kaminski – BeerSmith Podcast #293”

  1. Great interview. But Kaminski said something that is wrong, and which might mislead people: He said that yeast concentrated on storing sterols at the end of fermentation. That’s wrong; he must have meant glycogen. Or i really hope he meant glycogen.

    That’s rather important. As Palmer says in How to Brew, you need to give the yeats some time with no oxygen towards the end of a starter when you spin it on a stirplate, in order to let it build up it’s glycogen and trehalose stores. And without those it won’t be able to work efficiently at synthezing sterols with the oxygen we feed it at the start of a new batch.

    I think that’s something that’s it’s very critical to understand, and I think it was crucial in Chris White’s message to homebrewers in your podcast about pitching yeast, when he was talking about reusing yeast. (One of you best podcasts!)

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