Scott Janish joins me this week to discuss mash hopping and steps he takes to control oxygen and enhance long term beer stability.
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Topics in This Week’s Episode (40:54)
- This week I welcome back Scott Janish. Scott is author of the recent book “The New IPA: A Scientific Guide to Hop Aroma and Flavor” (Amazon affiliate link) and also co-founder of the Sapwood Cellars brewery in Columbia, Maryland.
- Scott starts with a short discussion of his recent activities at Sapwood Cellars.
- We begin with mash hopping and why Scott thinks mash hopping with a small amount of hops is a good idea for beer stability.
- We discuss how much mash hops to use and what the benefits are from his perspective.
- Scott also discusses his thoughts on mash hopping for tropical flavors, though he prefers to use them for beer stability reasons.
- We next talk about using pomegranate extract to help improve beer stability and reduce metals in your beer.
- Scott dives into minimizing oxygen uptake in a finished beer and several of the steps he’s taken to control oxygen and enhance beer stability.
- We discuss how many of these techniques could be carried over to homebrewing.
- Scott gives us his closing thoughts on mash hopping and beer stability.
- Thank you to our sponsor Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine for sponsoring this episode. I encourage you to subscribe to their great magazine!
- Also check out BeerSmith, BeerSmith Web, BeerSmith Mobile software and the new DVDs John Palmer and I filmed – How to Brew with Malt Extract and How to Brew All Grain are available now. You can subscribe to the BeerSmith newsletter for free to get some great articles on home brewing.
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