Author name: Brad Smith

Avid home brewer, author of BeerSmith, contributor to Wiki and BeerXML standard, and author of many articles on home brewing beer.

Brewing Fruit Beers at Home Part 1 of 2

Brewing fruit beer is not for everyone, but a properly balanced fruit beer can be light and refreshing on a hot summer day. This is part one of our two part series on home brewing fruit beer. Beers that include fruit vary widely in taste, style and strength.

Krausening Home Brewed Beer

Krausening is a traditional German method for carbonating beers without using sugars or other adjuncts. Instead actively fermenting malt wort is added to the fermented beer to provide the malted sugars needed for carbonation. The “Reinheitsgebot”, or German purity law, originated in Bavaria in 1516. It specifies that beer may only be made from the three basic ingredients: malt, hops, and water.

Russian Imperial Stout Recipes

This week on the BeerSmith blog we turn to the Russian Imperial Stout beer style, the king of stout beers. We will explore the origin, history, beer style and some sample Imperial Stout beer recipes for home brewers.

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