Tag Archives: bjcp

Judging Beer with Mirella Amato – BeerSmith Podcast #174

Mirella Amato joins me this week to discuss the BJCP beer judge program as well as developing skills as a beer judge to improve your homebrewing.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Beer Styles with Stan Hieronymus – BeerSmith Podcast #106

Stan Hieronymus, brewing author and most recent winner of the AHA Governing Committee award, joins me this week to discuss hops and emerging beer styles.  Stan is the author of “For the Love of Hops”, “Brew Like a Monk” and also “Brewing with Wheat”.

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

The 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guide with Gordon Strong – BeerSmith Podcast #104

BJCP President Gordon Strong joins me to discuss the 2015 BJCP Beer Style Guide update that was just released by the Beer Judge Certification Program. The new, expanded style guide is used worldwide by home and professional brewers for competition and brewing great beer.

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

Tasting Beer with Randy Mosher – BeerSmith Podcast #89

Randy Mosher, the author of Radical Brewing and Mastering Homebrew joins me this week to discuss tasting beer, beer aroma, judging beer and also his upcoming book.  Its another great episode with one of home brewing’s masters!

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

India Pale Ale and Carrot Cake – BeerSmith Podcast #18

This week I bring back prolific beer author and tasting authority Randy Mosher to talk about tasting beer. Tasting beer and sensory evaluation are important topics for anyone who wants to brew better beer, and Randy is an expert on both.  The best beer brewers are often also beer judges.

NOTE: You can find the full episode with show notes here.

Judging Beer with Grandmaster Gordon Strong – BeerSmith Podcast #6

Gordon Strong, the President of the BJCP is my guest this week. He is the world’s only Grand Master Level V beer judge and also one of the top competitive home brewers in the US.  We talk about judging beer, what it takes to be a Grandmaster Level V beer judge, and how an average home brewer can use competition and beer judging skills to improve their beer. Gordon also talks about his new book “Brewing Better Beer” which is being released this Spring.

NOTE: The full episode with show notes is here.