Experimental Homebrewing with Drew and Denny – BeerSmith Podcast #90

PodNew200The authors of the upcoming book Experimental Homebrewing Denny Conn and Drew Beechum join me to discuss some of their home brew experiments as well as their upcoming book. Drew and Denny provide some unusual and unique ideas to spice up your home brewed beer!

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (58:58)

  • Drew Beechum and Denny Conn join me to discuss their new book Experimental Homebrewing (Amazon Affiliate link). Drew Beechum is author of the Everything Homebrew Book, The Homebrewer’s Journal and Everything Cider Book (All Amazon Affiliate links). Denny Conn is author of Craft Beer for the Homebrewer (Amazon Affiliate link) and also a nationally ranked beer judge.
  • Thank you to our sponsor Craft Beer and Brewing Magazine who is still offering a 20% discount with your subscription when you use the offer code beersmith when you purchase.
  • Also check out the new DVDs John Palmer and I filmed – How to Brew with Malt Extract is out now and How to Brew All Grain is coming in a few weeks!
  • Denny shares with us the genesis of their new book Experimental Homebrewing and how it got started.
  • Drew tells us what’s different about Experimental Homebrewing and how it is unique from other brewing books
  • We discuss recipe design and Denny’s approach to designing new recipes (also covered in Podcast #55)’
  • Drew shares his thoughts on splitting beer batches and creating multiple batches in one session (covered in detail way back in podcast #5)
  • We discuss brewing equipment and some of Denny’s ideas for interesting equipment add-ons and options
  • Drew discusses some “off the wall” brewing techniques
  • We talk about why some beer styles are better suited to experimentation than others
  • Drew and Denny discuss experimental ingredients and using ingredients in unique ways
  • They also share their thoughts on both running and measuring specific experiments with beer including published results
  • We discuss when the book is coming (in just a few weeks) and also where you can find it
  • Both guests share their closing thoughts!

Thanks to Drew Beechum and Denny Conn for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!

iTunes Announcements: I launched a new video channel for the BeerSmith podcast on iTunes, so subscribe now! At the moment it will only feature the new widescreen episodes (#75 and up). Older episodes are available on my revamped Youtube channel. Also all 81 audio episodes are on iTunes now – so grab the older episodes if you missed any.

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1 thought on “Experimental Homebrewing with Drew and Denny – BeerSmith Podcast #90”

  1. This Beersmith podcast with Drew and Denny is a first-rate aid for homebrewers in search of thought and know-how in experimental brewing. It’s a treasure trove of understanding and insights, making it a must-listen for every person passionate about pushing the boundaries of their brewing skills. Kudos to the hosts and the team!

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