Mead Making with Steve Piatz – BeerSmith Podcast #214

Steve Piatz, the author of “The Complete Guide to Making Mead” joins me this week to discuss mead making techniques.

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Topics in This Week’s Episode (47:23)

  • This week my guest is Steve Piatz. Steve is the author of the book The Complete Guide to Making Mead (Amazon affiliate link). Steve joins us to cover a variety of mead topics.
  • We first discuss some of Steve’s recent activities and meads he’s made.
  • Steve provides us with a brief overview of modern mead making which can be done with equipment on hand by most home brewers.
  • We discuss mead nutrient additions as well as degassing which play an important role. Steve has been experimenting with not degassing some of his meads.
  • Steve shares his thoughts on stabilizing meads including how and when to use sulfites and sorbates in your mead.
  • We talk about how to determine the correct amount of sulfites to add, as well as how to backsweeten.
  • Steve talks about some new fermentation adjuncts he’s been working with including yeast-derived adjuncts.
  • He also talks about using tannins and acids intended for wine making to enhance the body and structure of his meads.
  • We discuss blending which is widely used in wine making. Steve tells us why blending is a very important technique for the mead maker to achieve the correct balance and structure in a mead.
  • I bring up the topic of managing the pH of a mead including how to balance the pH during active fermentation.
  • Steve gives us his closing thoughts on mead making techniques.


Thanks to Steve Piatz for appearing on the show and also to you for listening!
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1 thought on “Mead Making with Steve Piatz – BeerSmith Podcast #214”

  1. In your book page 131 raspberry recipe you used 1 quart of raspberry concentrate, can you tell me the brand and details of the concentrate?

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