Tag Archives: how to brew

Designing Beer with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #188

John Palmer, the author of the book How to Brew joins me this week to discuss beer recipe design.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

How to Brew Fourth Edition with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #148

John Palmer joins me to discuss the release of the fourth edition of his best selling homebrew book “How to Brew” as well as recent trends in beer brewing.

You can find additional show notes and episodes on my blog here.

Brewing Yeast with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #128

John Palmer joins me this week to discuss beer brewing yeast, the yeast life cycle and his upcoming new edition of “How to Brew” in a show recorded from the Homebrew Con 2016 show floor in Baltimore.

You can find additional episodes and show notes here.

German Wheat Beer with John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #116

Author John Palmer joins me this week to discuss German Wheat Beer styles and beer brewing.  John just returned from a trip to Germany and he shares some of his tips for brewing the perfect Weizen or Weisse.

You can find the show notes for this episode here.

Five Tips for Beer Brewers from John Palmer – BeerSmith Podcast #82

John Palmer joins me this week to discuss his top five tips for new home brewers.  John is the author of the top selling “How to Brew” book as well as his new book “Water”, and provides some great tips for brewers just getting into home brewing or even experienced brewers interested in making better beer.

You can find the full episode with show notes here.

John Palmer on Hops and Home Brewing – BeerSmith Podcast #46

This week my guest is John Palmer, author of “How to Brew”. John shares his thoughts on brewing with hops including some of the newest understanding regarding how to get the most out of high alpha hops, hop freshness and when to best add hop additions to maximize your flavor and aroma.

NOTE: The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Developing Hop Varieties – BeerSmith Podcast #32

This week we talk about American hop varieties and developing new hops.  Al Haunold, a retired genetic engineer from USDA and Dave Wills from Freshops.com are my guests as we talk about how some of the most popular US hop varieties came about, how high alpha varieties are used now and how hops are grown.

NOTE: The video and show notes for this complete episode can be found here.

John Palmer – The Home Brewing Celebrity – BeerSmith Podcast Ep #3

This week I talk with  John Palmer, author of “How to Brew” which is the top selling Home Brewing book on Amazon. John is also co-host of Brew Strong on the Brewing Network and a popular speaker on home brewing. John shares with us how he got started brewing, how he wrote “How to Brew” as a free book on the internet and eventually (by going door-to-door) turned it into a successful home brewing book. We also chat about what his life is like as a beer brewing celebrity.

NOTE: The full episode with show notes is here.