Tag Archives: mashing

Burners and Heating Elements for Beer Brewing – BeerSmith Podcast #183

This week John Blichmann from Blichmann Engineering joins me to discuss gas burners and electric heating elements for beer brewing.

You can find show notes and additional episodes on my blog here.

Beer Brewing Water with John Palmer and Colin Kaminski – BeerSmith Podcast #70

John Palmer and Colin Kaminski join me this week to discuss their new book “Water, A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers”. We discuss the best water for brewing beer, mash pH, residual alkalinity, beer brewing water for extract and all grain brewers, water sources and much more.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

All Grain Beer Brewing with Chris Graham – BeerSmith Podcast #63

This week we talk about how to make the switch into all grain beer brewing. My guest is Chris Graham, Chief Operating Officer of MoreBeer and also a Brewer’s Association board member and American Homebrew Association Governing Council member.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Brewing Water and Mash pH with Bob Hall – BeerSmith Podcast #61

This week my guest is Bob Hall.  Bob shares with us some great tips for managing your brewing water and mash pH. Bob teaches biology and ecology at the University of Wyoming and has been homebrewing for 23 years.

The full video and show notes for this episode can be found here.

Going All Grain with Gordon Strong – BeerSmith Podcast #16

This week we go all grain with Grandmaster brewing judge Gordon Strong.  Gordon tells you how to make the leap from extract brewing to all-grain, including basic equipment, how to do a simple infusion mash, and sparging. All grain beer brewing gives you more control over your finished beer. Gordon also shares his thoughts on his new book “Brewing Better Beer” which was just released.

NOTE: The full episode with show notes can be found here.

Mashing with Dr Charlie Bamforth – BeerSmith Podcast #14

This week I interview Dr Charles Bamforth, the Anheuser-Busch endowed Professor of Brewing Science a the University of California at Davis.  We talk about the entire all grain mashing process for beer brewing from start to finish. Charlie explains how mashing actually works, how changes in the process affect the finished beer, and the role that multiple step mashing, decoction mashing and lautering play in brewing beer.

NOTE: The full episode with show notes can be found here.